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January 24 2014 5 24 /01 /January /2014 07:09

Better to use the mind to control the body rather than use the body control the mind

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July 2 2013 2 02 /07 /July /2013 06:30

Step out of the current of your thought and observe from the shore

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June 15 2012 5 15 /06 /June /2012 06:56

Freedom from distracting angry thoughts

My power grows when I say no to myself


I will examine each thought that pops in to my head; weed out the useless; nuture the positive, hopeful, creative and excellent.


I am so happy to be free from thoughts of anger and self-rigthousness. The curse has been lifted because I decided it no longer controls me.


There is no problem I cannot defeat by constantly chipping away simply because I believe I can. Now my possibilities are endless. My creativity and innovation is finally unlocked.


I will plan my activities daily and focus on each task until it is complete.


When my mind begins to tire or wander, I apply the "5 more rule", 5 more items, 5 more minutes, 5 more repititons, etc



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January 25 2012 3 25 /01 /January /2012 06:25

Many men are slaves because one is an opprossor; let us hate the oppressor.

One man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves


The truth is that oppressor and slave are co-operators in ignorance and, while seeming to afflict each other, are in reality afflicting themselves


- James Allen

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June 22 2011 3 22 /06 /June /2011 06:00

Some of my "negative escapism" are conscious attempts to relieve stress like cracking open a beer after work and others unconscious such as grinding my teeth. With sufficient will-power, I can stop conscious negative escapism but I need greater mindfulness to stop the unconscious acts. I will replace this with "beneficial escapism" like practicing yoga, playing with my kids, learning languages, massage, etc.


Rather than satiating the urges for negative escapism, I am going to use them as reminders to stay mindful.

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June 21 2011 2 21 /06 /June /2011 16:43

My goal is to remain mindful throughout the day, no matter what happens. The question is – how do I remember to remain mindful – especially when I am busy or under stress?

This is blog is search for the answer, feel free to contribute ideas.

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