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October 22 2011 6 22 /10 /October /2011 07:58

It all happened very quickly. About two weeks after quitting my job I received a call about a well paid contract in Switzerland. A week later we arrived. A month later, we are still settling in. 


Am I pleased to have made the move? I can't answer, still trying to manage the "moving to a foreign country" hassles.


When I am alone, my brain wanders back over angry moments at my last job. How pointless - I have a todo list a mile long, why waste time thinking about the past? I successfully escaped that situation linked to my anger but the anger in my head followed me. It saps my focus while I am working or at home trying to organise my affairs. It interupts me while I am playing with the kids - and that must change.


I feel helpless, all I can do is plod on with my head down, waiting for the next unexpected problem to force itself in to my attention. I know all these issues will subside and I know I can deal with them. But how can I deal with the pointless anger that sufficates my mind?

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